We implement projects strictly aimed at the railway sector and its support.
At the same time, we are working on several projects:
RAILYis a comprehensive IT system created for enterprises whose activity concerns rail transport in terms of both its operation and implementation. The RAILY system includes three application sectors: TAXI, CARGO, and TERMINAL, in order to streamline activities related to the transport of traction teams, rolling stock logistics and the operation of the railway terminal, respectively. The applications that make up the RAILY system are created in a service-oriented architecture, and further development of this concept will enable their integration and cooperation.
RAILY CARGOis an innovative software concept for comprehensive management of railway enterprise resources based on Business Intelligence solutions. They include tools for multi-criteria optimization and models based on artificial intelligence in a multi-agent system. The elements of the multi-agent system are autonomous, distributed and scalable.
RAILY TAXIis an IT solution for railway and taxi companies that automates the operation of car transport services by associating railway employees with drivers. The software provides optimization tools and control of the entire process from placing an order for a ride, through its implementation, to settlement.
The RAILY TAXI software enables you to achieve a superior position in the field of railway computerization. The advantage of RAILY TAXI are innovative algorithms for planning and accounting for transport.
RAILY TERMINALin the next step, the development of a third product from the Raily RAILY TERMINAL family is planned, i.e. an intermodal rail terminal management system, the primary goal of which is to develop the first solution in Europe for autonomous and robotic container handling.
Technology is our passion!
In our company, we use compliant technologies
with the latest global trends. We use safe and proven solutions, while creating innovative products used by our customers on a daily basis.
Thanks to the combination of mobile and Internet technologies and advanced computing algorithms, we provide solutions that enable optimization and full control of processes in the transport industry.
These are just some of the technologies we use:
Over 20 years old
in the industry
openness to
Constant development
A unique industry